Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Pocket Full of Dreams...

Boy has it been a long time since i've posted something on here!Still without a laptop so every oppertunity I get to post something I jump on it!! With my absence i've had alot of time to refelct on my life, my dreams and my goals towards my future! With my birthday being a couple of moths ago it had reflected on the path that I now want to take in life and im quite excited to walk down that road.
So I guess everyone has pockets full of dreams and ambitions, my pockets aren't big enough with the amount of dreams that I have. I feel that I’m at a standstill in my life and constantly pushing myself to get somewhere, I analyse my life and there’s another dream to add to my over crowded pocket.

With business ideas and ventures; and a fashion degree my life had become a potato stuck in front of the TV (Very odd I know especially with such big ideas) as I wasn’t sure what to do with myself, where do I go next??  What do I try out??, but enough is enough as I’m growing tired of my morning dosage of Jeremy Kyle and Maury, use this free time and do something Alex! So I did.

I’ve started designing again and planning big things; fingers crossed they get me somewhere!

So Pink kisses is now an ongoing diary to where I try to fulfil my dreams and ambitions and just have fun with whatever experience may come my way. I have to be an inspiration to myself and others as well as finding new and challenging inspiration or else I’ll always be facing this dead end road and I refuse to waste anymore time doing nothing. Life is too short.
So I’m going to start emptying my pockets right here with you guys and try and turn my dreams into a reality (and if it doesn’t work at least I can say I’ve tried and had fun doing it) = )
Love and Pink Kisses

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