Sunday, 23 January 2011

Big Wide World...

Ok, so im new to this whole blogging thing, decided to jump on the band wagon and share to the nation my inputs and intakes towards this "fashion wardrobe" we call world. Im no fashion expert I'll let you know from now, but love the individuality that all fashion lovers have.

There are so many characters involved within fashion and very bold ones too, for someone who loves fashion I never really follow trends but always manage to stay in it and thats the whole point, not doing the norm. Being versatile is one of the things I love best about fashion and thats what im going to continue to do.

So the point of the blog, I hear you read, yes the point of the blog is to highlight that I am an aspiring designer. Hard career path to choose I know but im going to try my best to fulfill my dreams, all I need is a good fashion team and the support from you guys. As well as showing you the ideas and the progress of my dreams its just going to be a fun blog where I show you my outfits of the moment, day trips and and my styling of that moment; basically anything to do with fun and fashion, you'll know about it!!

So I hope you guys enjoy my blog and continue to support and drop by for any new posts. Im gonna try by best to update as much as I can and keep this fun!

Love and Pink Kisses

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